Dedicated To Girls

  • Not every girl wants to get married by 23. So before you ASSUME she’s of marriageable age, ask her what her views on marriage are. One hint might save you the drama-just because she does not want to get married now does not mean she never will. She has other plans for herself right now, let her live a little.
  • Just because a girl wishes to do her PhD after Masters does not mean she doesn’t want to settle down in life. Give her a break, and respect the fact that she has the confidence to take that up, cause yeah, PhD is no joke. There will come a point when she would happily devote herself to her family, and balance it out with her professional life. Her degrees, or lack of them, won’t make any difference. Let her study while she wants to, okay?
  • Just because she is 27 and unmarried does not mean she’s been rejected by many men. Maybe, being single is a choice she has made.
  • Having a boyfriend does not make her characterless.
  • Just because she has recently gone through a break up doesn’t mean she is vulnerable and available.
  • Just because most of her friends are boys, does not mean she is an alcoholic.
  • Just because she wore a short skirt to a party does not mean she dresses up that way everyday.
  • Just because she is ambitious doesn’t mean she isn’t a family person.
  • Just because she does not discuss her plans does not mean she’s clueless about life. Give her a chance, alright?
  • Just because she is outspoken doesn’t mean she is a rebel.
  • Just because she comes home late from work does not mean she is sleeping around with her colleagues.
  • After a hectic week, give her some time to relax over the weekend. Don’t make that one weekend party make her look like she’s a frivolous party-girl without a job.

Yes we cry, we’re emotional, we take things personally and sometimes over-react to situations. This does not give anyone the right to judge us the wrong way. Times are changing. Don’t confide her within those boundaries, no matter how unorthodox you are. There are some who might be fighting this losing battle, yet compromising on their decisions and plans just to please society.

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